September 26th (Thursday) - September 29 (Sunday), 2024 / Iroquois Springs, Rock Hill, NY -USA
BY MAIL REGISTRATION FORM - Print, fill out and mail to address below
City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________
Accommodations - check one:
Women's cabin:__________ Men's Cabin:__________ Coed cabin:__________ Private cabin:__________
If you wish to be roomed with someone, list all names.
ALL persons must indicate preferences here:
Food Preference
No Restrictions:_______ Vegetarian:_______ Other (please explain):__________________________________________
Registration Fees Enclosed (please complete):
Entire Weekend Private --------------------------------------------------------------#_____persons @ US $575.00 each___________
Entire Weekend Dorm ----------------------------------------------------------------#_____persons @ US $500.00 each___________
Two full days & nights Private (Friday + Saturday) -----------------------------#_____persons @ US $475.00 each___________
Two full days & nights Dorm (Friday + Saturday) -------------------------------#_____persons @ US $410.00 each___________
One full day & night Dorm (Friday or Saturday) ---------------------------------#_____persons @ US $225.00 each___________
I would like to rent a Bedding from the camp ------------------------------------#_____persons @ US$ 35.00 each____________
I would like to purchase camp VIDEO ----------------------------------------------#_____ @ $65 each________________________
I would like a Shuttle service (round trip) from Newark Airport-------------------#_____persons @ $150 each___________________
TOTAL ENCLOSED ---------------------------------------------------------------------$_______________________________________
If you will be or interested renting a car and would like to give a ride or share the cost, please let us know (include your flight info).
Waiver of Responsibility World Music and Dance Camp does not cover bodily injury to any person participating
in dance or other activities which we sponsor or which are conducted on premises we rent or use. Your registration
signifies acceptance of the above statement and that you personally assume responsibility for any medical costs incurred.
Please mail this form with payment in US. funds to:
World Camp c/o Ahmet Luleci
16 Braeland Ave.
Newton Centre, MA 02459 - 2211
September 26th (Thursday) - September 29 (Sunday), 2024 / Iroquois Springs, Rock Hill, NY -USA
BY MAIL REGISTRATION FORM - Print, fill out and mail to address below
City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________
Accommodations - check one:
Women's cabin:__________ Men's Cabin:__________ Coed cabin:__________ Private cabin:__________
If you wish to be roomed with someone, list all names.
ALL persons must indicate preferences here:
Food Preference
No Restrictions:_______ Vegetarian:_______ Other (please explain):__________________________________________
Registration Fees Enclosed (please complete):
Entire Weekend Private --------------------------------------------------------------#_____persons @ US $575.00 each___________
Entire Weekend Dorm ----------------------------------------------------------------#_____persons @ US $500.00 each___________
Two full days & nights Private (Friday + Saturday) -----------------------------#_____persons @ US $475.00 each___________
Two full days & nights Dorm (Friday + Saturday) -------------------------------#_____persons @ US $410.00 each___________
One full day & night Dorm (Friday or Saturday) ---------------------------------#_____persons @ US $225.00 each___________
I would like to rent a Bedding from the camp ------------------------------------#_____persons @ US$ 35.00 each____________
I would like to purchase camp VIDEO ----------------------------------------------#_____ @ $65 each________________________
I would like a Shuttle service (round trip) from Newark Airport-------------------#_____persons @ $150 each___________________
TOTAL ENCLOSED ---------------------------------------------------------------------$_______________________________________
If you will be or interested renting a car and would like to give a ride or share the cost, please let us know (include your flight info).
Waiver of Responsibility World Music and Dance Camp does not cover bodily injury to any person participating
in dance or other activities which we sponsor or which are conducted on premises we rent or use. Your registration
signifies acceptance of the above statement and that you personally assume responsibility for any medical costs incurred.
Please mail this form with payment in US. funds to:
World Camp c/o Ahmet Luleci
16 Braeland Ave.
Newton Centre, MA 02459 - 2211